5 Expert Tips for Landscaping in Louisiana
Monday, March 25, 2024 1:56 PM
Landscaping in Louisiana can be a challenge, especially for beginners. Homeowners must deal with extreme heat, heavy downpours, and occasional hurricanes. However, with the right plants and care, your outdoor space can remain lively in almost any condition. Explore five Louisiana landscaping tips with the experts at Greenscape Design!
1. Choose Heat-Tolerant Flowers
When landscaping in Louisiana, be sure to choose heat-tolerant plants that can withstand heavy rains. Consider trying plants like the Salvia Farinacea. When planted in a well-drained garden, these sun-loving plants spring an abundance of white or purple flowers. They can even survive light winters if properly trimmed.
Looking for more summer flowers? Here are a few more heat-tolerant plants perfect for Louisiana landscaping!
Mexican Heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia):
- Violet annuals that are perfect for warm weather.
Marigold (Tagetes hybrid):
- Round annuals that give a burst of orange.
- Purple, disc-shaped, and a favorite for pollinators.
2. Make the Most of Your Shrubs
Shrubs are often used like hedges to outline or accent flowerbeds. However, many shrubs can be attention grabbers with vibrant flowers and berries. Their aesthetic, convenience, and versatility make the foliage a go-to element for any designer.
Due to the low-maintenance nature, Louisiana landscapers have plenty of shrubs to choose from. Consider using Soft-Touch Holly if you want clean borders in your yard. If eye-catching is what you’re after, try incorporating Drift Roses into your flower beds. Learn more about Drift Roses here!
3. Find the Right Tree For You
It's no mystery that planting trees can benefit homeowners. They purify the air, provide shade, and look majestic while doing it. However, did you know they can reduce energy bills and protect against flooding? All it takes is one sweaty hurricane season in Louisiana to understand these advantages.
Speaking of hurricane season, you might think, “Why risk having a big tree coming down during a storm?” That’s understandable; however, there are plenty of dwarf trees that are perfect for Louisiana landscape design. The Dwarf Purple Leaf Plum Tree is an excellent example of a picturesque tree that remains at a manageable height.
4. Know When to Water
Plants get thirsty like us, but finding exactly how much water they need can be difficult. Online sources say everything from three times a week to once every ten days. Ultimately, every plant has a unique relationship with its climate, and its needs reflect that. Luckily, there are simple ways to tell whether your greenery needs a drink!
- Have a look: Examine your plant for any dryness. If you see any wilting, give it an inch of water, and adjust from there.
- Finger test: Stick your finger 1-2 inches into the soil. Is your finger covered in dry or moist dirt? That tells you whether to water.
5. Invest in Irrigation
Is your schedule too tight for flower watering? No worries! A professionally installed irrigation system can be more effective than manual watering. Drip irrigation systems water plants at the roots, ensuring water doesn't evaporate before it's absorbed. The systems prevent fungal infections caused by residual water on leaves and flowers.
Landscaping in Louisiana? Choose Greenscape!
Want to make the most of your outdoor space? Greenscape Design has helped hundreds of clients create the outdoor space of their dreams for over a decade. We work one-on-one with clients to execute their Louisiana landscape design vision. Send us a message or call (225) 333-9680 for a free consultation from an expert designer. We can't wait to hear from you!
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